Sheep Producers Australia Group Start Up Pack

Above: The contents of the Group Start Up Pack – which is then customised for each new committee (Image: Harris Park Group)
Fast Facts
Client: Sheep Producers Australia
Location: Canberra
When: Oct-2017 to Jan-2018
Responsibilities: To produce a generic induction pack for new sheepmeat producer representative committees
Project description
The need: Since 2015 the Australian sheepmeat industry has invested significantly in developing the leadership capacity of producer representative committees to support RD&E, policy and advocacy. The way that various initiatives contribute to increasing capacity is described in their Sheepmeat Leadership Strategy.
The need for a strong induction program for producer committees became a priority in 2017 as the Sheepmeat Council of Australia transitioned to a new organisation, Sheep Producers Australia. The CEO wanted a mechanism so “each committee gets off to a good start and members feel well supported in their role”.
What we did: The Harris Park Group worked with the newly established SPA Industry Leadership and Community Engagement committee to co-develop (and model) a formal process for other producer groups to use for their induction. This culminated in a Group Start Up Pack which covers a range of areas from organisational responsibilities to setting up agreed practices specific to the group (such as preferred meeting times, communication methods etc). The Secretariats for each of the committees were introduced to the thinking behind the pack at a short workshop. This resource was used to fast-track the new SPA policy committees into their role and responsibilities.
Further Reading
Client report is not in public doman
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