Design the NABS SDI Network concept

Above: There are three pillars to the new approach for enhancing veterinary participation in biosecurity surveillance in Northern Australia (Image: Harris Park Group)
Fast Facts
Client: Northern Australia Biosecurity Surveillance Working Group
Location: Melbourne
When: Jun-Sep 2017
Responsibilities: Design an initiative to increase Significant Disease Investigations by private veterinary practitioners in sufficient detail for the NABS Working Group to guide its development
Project description
The need: The Northern Australian Biosecurity Surveillance (NABS) program wanted an initiative that enables private cattle vets in Northern Australia to increase both the number and quality of Significant Disease Investigations they do, overcoming the constraints identified in the NABS Stakeholder Needs Analysis.
What we did: The Harris Park Group co-developed the network concept with a working group that included seven veterinary practices to ensure the package components were well-pitched and relevant to the businesses of those who do Significant Disease Investigations. Principles guiding the design were “what makes it very, very easy to do”, that can be applied consistently across the region (for all state and territory jurisdictions), and builds a Northern Australian perspective. The SDI Network concept that emerged has three pillars: a NABS SDI Practice Package, NABS Vet Adviser and NABS Masterclass (as shown in the diagram).
Further Reading
Client report is not in public domain
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