NABS Stakeholder Needs Analysis

Above: Those with the most interest and influence become the focus for engagement (Image: Harris Park Group)
Fast Facts
Client: Northern Australia Biosecurity Surveillance Working Group
Location: Across Northern Australia , coordinated from Melbourne
When: Mar-Jun 2017
Responsibilities: Conduct a needs analysis around stakeholder participation in general surveillance across the Northern Australia cattle industry
Project description
The need: Testing for Emergency Animal Diseases in sick livestock provides Australia’s markets with ongoing evidence of our disease-free status as well as enabling early detection of economically important disease incursions. The Northern Australia Biosecurity Surveillance (NABS) program wants to increase the number and quality of significant disease events that are investigated. In planning how to do this effectively, the first step was to better understand what currently happens and why.
What we did: The Harris Park Group worked through a series of steps to generate the Needs Analysis. In interviewing 44 people and conducting a desk audit we were able to:
- Articulate what onshore disease surveillance is required to achieve
- Describe the critical nodes in the current system for disease investigations
- Identify the various stakeholders and their contribution to Significant Disease Investigations
- Describe the scale of the task across Northern Australia and the spread of the resources
- Identify two root causes that influence participation in general surveillance across the Northern Australian cattle industry.
Further Reading
Client report is not in public domain
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