Livestock Export Projects

Above: Logistics support and risk management throughout the livestock export chain – consignment planning, pre-export preparation, delivery overseas and downstream technical support

Fast Facts
Clients: Australian livestock exporters and their clients overseas
Location: Australia and in destination countries
When: On-going
Responsibilities: To provide expert advice on live export logistics, regulatory requirements, risk management, export protocols and animal health and welfare throughout the export chain and after arrival overseas
Project description
Livestock export business support including:
- Advice to exporters on regulatory compliance, protocol requirements, live export logistics and commercial risk management.
- Development of standard operating procedures for livestock exporters and registered premises, preparation of operations and governance manuals and staff training.
- Downstream technical support with pre-delivery assessments and management advice, attendance at discharge, post-arrival oversight, claims assessment, dispute resolution and trouble-shooting.
The need: To be commercially viable, the livestock export industry must operate profitably, with manageable risks, and achieve consistently good animal welfare outcomes. Each step in the livestock export value chain requires a high level of technical understanding and judgement, from set up of contracts to post-delivery support in importing countries.
What we do: Tony Brightling has more than 30 years’ experience in the livestock export industry and leads the Harris Park Group expertise in this field. We have provided export preparation services in Australia, supervised delivery overseas and provided technical support in market for shipments of dairy heifers, beef breeders, slaughter cattle and breeding sheep and goats.
Further Reading
Client reports are not in public domain