LiveCorp Shipboard Stockpersons Course

Above: LiveCorp trains and accredits people to look after the health and welfare of livestock at sea

Fast Facts


Client: LiveCorp, Meat & Livestock Australia
Location: National, coordinated from Melbourne
When: 2015-2016

Responsibilities: Develop the course materials including trainer’s guide and participant handbook

Project description

The need: The Australian Government requires that an accredited stockperson travels with each live export sea shipment to ensure management of the health and welfare of livestock on ships meets industry standards and community expectations. LiveCorp is responsible for this accreditation and wanted to ensure training was up-to-date and well documented.

What we did: The Harris Park Group created the full set of course materials for trainers and participants for the shipboard management of sheep and cattle. This included developing the Trainer’s Guide, powerpoints, exam papers and 2016 Shipboard Stockie’s Guide for participants.

Further Reading

Client report is not in public domain