Good Bulls Guide Project Logic

Above: The Good Bulls Guide is the first step in increasing the rate of genetic gain in herds (Image: Harris Park Group)
Fast Facts
Client: ADHIS
Location: Melbourne
When: 2010 & 2012
Responsibilities: To develop a high-level strategic plan for promoting widespread use of high APR on Australian dairy farms in 2010 – and to provide a progress report in 2012
Project description
The need: This work started as a discussion on how to educate dairy farmers about Australian Breeding Values and transformed into a think tank on alternative pathways for increasing the use of high genetic merit bulls in Australian dairy herds.
What we did: The Harris Park Group worked with the Australian Dairy Herd Improvement Scheme extension team to develop a strategy and project logic for promoting the use of high ranked semen in dairy herds. It was very rewarding for our group to see the ideas being brought to life and the creation of a strong brand and product, the Good Bulls Guide.
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