About Us
Our team specialises in Project Design, Research, Training and Evaluation

Pauline Brightling
Pauline started Harris Park Group in 1997. She has worked as a veterinarian, academic, business manager, consultant and adviser in the agricultural sector for over 35 years.

Anne Hope
Anne is a veterinarian and epidemiologist by training. She worked as a government veterinarian in field services and in research before joining Harris Park Group in 1999.
BVSc, Grad Dip (Epi)

Tony Brightling
Tony is a veterinarian whose career spans private practice, state veterinary service, industry consulting and corporate senior management.

Rose Lucas
Rose is a founding member of the Harris Park Group. Her skills in critical appraisal and writing contribute to the group’s high quality outputs.
PhD (Humanities)
Our Colleagues
We work with a wide network of colleagues who bring an extensive range of skills and experience

Tash Ayers
Managing Director, AgriStart

Peter Best
Managing Director, Innovative Farm Services

Patten Bridge
Principal, Bridge Logic Consulting

Niall Byrne
Creative Director, Science in Public

Steve Coats
Consultant (Dairy Industry)

Jennie Corkhill
IR Solicitor

John Craven
Principal, Terip Solutions

Chris Hibburt
Dairy Consultant, The Vet Group

David Hughes
Graphic Design Professional, David Hughes Consulting

John Lightfoot
Veterinary Consultant

Jakob Malmo
Cattle Specialist, Maffra Veterinary Centre

Graeme Mein
Senior Scientist, Milk Harvesting Research

Lee-Ann Monks
Principal, Monks Communication

John Morton
Veterinary Epidemiological Consultant, Jemora Pty Ltd

John Mulvany
Consultant, OMJ Consulting

Ruth Nettle
Associate Professor, University of Melbourne

Cameron Smith
Director, Farmanco

Jon Temby
Director, Axento Safety

Natarsha Williams
Veterinary Consultant, Forest Hill Consultancy

Kim Windsor
Director, Windsor & Associates

Tom Walsh
Director, The Vet Group

Peter Younis
Veterinary Consultant, The Vet Group
Features of our approach
- Outcomes for clients that are practical, fit-for-purpose and people-focused
- All aspects of programs and projects: from concept to implementation and evaluation
- An evidence-based approach
- Deliver on time and on budget
The mix of services we have provided:
- Program, Projects and Products 50%
- Strategies and Evaluations 30%
- Research and Training 20%